
Got wheat intolerant carb-craving teens, or just love cakes but want to feel good about eating them? Either way you'll find recipes, hints and tips here, and maybe the odd observation on life, the universe and well, you know what comes next.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Why WInBaking?

Why WInBaking? Well, to start it sort of sounds like it is. After all, this blog is all about baking. It will have lots of recipes, tips and hints to make your baking successful and that has to be a 'win' doesn't it?

But there's more to WInBaking than good cakes, and it explains that mysterious capitalisation. You see, this is a blog dedicated to baking for the Wheat Intolerant. There will be some fully gluten free recipes here but mostly I will be using flours made from ancient wheat types like spelt and einkorn. These contain gluten and so are not suitable for coeliacs but they seem to be fine for people like me who are intolerant of modern wheats. Why this is no-one seems to know exactly, although theories about molecule size and gluten solubility seem to be the ones mentioned most often. Whatever the reason, these grains are all higher in protein and minerals than conventional wheat and so, even if you're not wheat intolerant, they're still better for you.

There is another side to this blog too. If it had just been me with this intollerance I would never have worried so much about baking. After all, spelt bread is relatively easy to find if you look for it and I'm not a huge cake eater. But I have two teens and they're both wheat intolerant too. And anyone who has or has had teenage kids knows the extent to which they hoover carbs. So in the interest of my wallet (have you seen the price of gluten free cakes and biscuits?) and their immune systems, I decided I'd have to brush up the baking skills.

And then it only seemed fair to share what I'd discovered with the wider world and this blog was born.

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